Page 75 - LandBroker MLS Magazine Fall 2020
P. 75

C O - OP  A M B A S S A D OR S
                                                                                                                  Land Broker Co-op Ambassador Program
                        Co-op Ambassadors educate their local rural real estate communities about the benefits and advantages that Co-op membership brings to the industry.

                             Max                                  David                               Michelle                             Alexis
                             Ramsey                               Ringler                             Rushing                              Thompson
                             REALTOR                              CEO                                 ALC                                  TEXAS RANCH
                             MOCK                                 DESIGNATED                          M&M LAND                             SALES
                             RANCHES                              BROKER                              INVESTMENTS                          Lampasas, TX
                                                                  GOLDEN WEST                         San Angelo, TX
                             The Co-op caught                     PROPERTIES                                                               Agriculture is Alexis
                             my attention when                    Puyallup, WA                        Michelle is is a TX                  Thompson’s pride
                             I first heard                                                            and NM Broker                        and joy. Alexis
                             that a group                         Dave started his                    and a United                         and her husband
                             of brokers had                       career in real                      Country Realtree                     run a cattle and
        gotten together to make a stand for land   estate in 1976, becoming a broker in 1988. In   Land Pro. With 45 years of ranching experience,   construction company. Alexis brings her passion
        brokers and agents. I knew that this was going   1994 he established Golden West Properties.   she runs her own ranch in west Texas. She’s   for south Texas agriculture to ranch real estate
        to be a monumental move and it was going to   Over his more than 31 years of experience in   a member of RLI, the National Association of   and attributes her success to determination and
        revolutionize the way that we work in the land   real estate and 19 years as a designated broker,   Realtors, Land Broker Co-op and many others.   willingness to do whatever it takes to get the job
        industry. Between the cost increases in online   Dave has become a highly respected, well   She and her partner Mike Dolan are the owners   done. Whether you need her to market your ranch
        marketing, and the fact that we had no data   known business man in the western Washington   of United Country Real Estate M&M Ranch Land   property or help you find the perfect turn-key ranch,
        protection, someone had to make a stand. This is   area and a consistent multi-million dollar   Investments, offering national advertising with   unimproved development property, or anything in
        why I joined, and am a proud member. The Co-op   producer in residential and acreage real estate.   local expertise. Their Boots are on the Ground!  between, Alexis will get it done for you.
        is a platform by land brokers, for land brokers.                         325.234.3077                         210.897.9263
        512.983.4292 /      253.686.2552  /               

                                                                                                      Jason                                Tyler Wright
               “The mission and passion behind the Land Broker Co-op is                               Ullman                               OWNER/
               what got my attention to join. The drive that everyone has                             THE ULLMAN                           BROKER
              to make sure that we as land brokers and agents get what                                GROUP                                FINDARANCH.
                                                                                                      Lewis Center, OH                     COM
               we deserve when it comes to marketing our business and                                                                      Menard, TX
                     taking control back in our industry is top of the line.”                         The Co-op is
                                                                                                      important to the                     Tyler was drawn
                                                                                                      industry for the                     to real estate at
                                                              - Alexis Thompson
                                                             Co-op Ambassador                         simple reason of                     a young age;
                                                              Texas Ranch Sales                       control — having   his family has been in the business since 1960.
                                                                                 control over our personal and listing information.   In 2000, Tyler graduated from ASU with a
                                                                                 We don’t have to worry about wrong or sold   Bachelors in Finance with a Real Estate Option
                                                                                 data. Plus the Co-op gives the smaller companies   and a minor in Marketing. After graduating, he
                                                                                 like myself the ability to market on a higher level   moved back to Menard to help his family and
                                                                                 without being asked to mortgage our marketing   begin his career. Tyler takes pride in the fact that
                                                                                 budget for the year. I am involved with the Co-op   he gets to carry on the family tradition — and truly
                                                                                 because I love all aspects of the business and   enjoys his job, especially the awesome people he’s
                                                                                 want people to see the importance of a land   able to meet. Tyler is also proud to say that some of
                                                                                 based real estate agent.             his good friends were once potential clients.
                                                                                 614.561.4885 /   325.456.1301 /

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