Page 73 - LandBroker MLS Magazine Fall 2020
P. 73

F E AT U R E D  C O - OP  A M B A S S A D OR
        “The Land Broker               Geoff Hurdle, ALC
        Co-op site is the
                                       My name is Geoff Hurdle and I have been in the niche market of land sales (residential    HURDLE
        site of choice for             development tracts and developed lots in bulk) to developers since 1992. I deal with land   LAND & REALTY
        professionals in the           acquisition managers of publicly traded companies, private developers and builders alike   Lebanon, TN
                                       to assist in finding the information and approvals they need to get a deal closed, and to
        industry and potential         close on time. I come from a family land development business background and am the third
        buyers — where one             generation of such.  My two daughters are now the fourth generation in the business. We
                                       own a rural farmland development company where we owner finance smaller acreage tracts
        can easily navigate            to families so they have the opportunity to live the American Dream through land ownership. 
        through properties and         What I learned through the family development business allows me to best serve other
        not have to dodge              developers today. A proud third-generation “Land Man,” it is now my privilege to be an
                                       asset to any land developer or real estate agent who wants to move land while maximizing
        ad campaigns and
                                       its value through Hurdle Land & Realty.
        pop-up windows that
                                       In the Summer of 2018 I completed the coursework for the prestigious designation as an
        just distract from the         Accredited Land Consultant, (ALC). At the same time, I became the 2018-2019 President of
        purpose of being there         the Tennessee State Chapter for the Realtors Land Institute, known as The Voice of Land.  I
                                       was re-elected as President in 2020. RLI is the essential membership organization for the
        — which is to find a           extraordinary real estate professionals who broker, lease, sell, develop, and manage our
        quality and affordable         most precious resource: the land.
        property. It is my go-to,      I am also an Owner/Member and Ambassador to the Land Broker Co-op. The Co-op is
        every time!”                   a group of real estate professionals that have joined together to combat steep increases
                                       in digital advertising prices, losses of privacy and control of data, and other factors which
                                       continue to burden all participants in the rural real estate industry. It is wholly-owned by real
                                       estate professionals and offers equal ownership and voting rights to all Members and group-
        615.815.9364                   buying power. The mission of the Co-op isn’t to generate a profit, it is to create a marketplace     for land owners and buyers to fullfill their land owning, buying and selling experiences and to      provide the land professional all the tools needed to serve their clients.

                                                                 C O - OP  A M B A S S A D OR S

                             Tim Clark                                        Patti Davis                                      Debbie Durkee
                             CCIM                                             ALC                                              ALC, CRS
                             CLARK REAL ESTATE GROUP                          PEDE & ASSOCIATES                                RE/MAX T-TOWN
                             Weatherford, TX                                  Belgrade, MT                                     Tulsa, OK
                             Tim Clark has been in the real                   Patti was born and raised in                     Debbie specializes in selling country
                             estate industry since his childhood              beautiful southwestern MT. She                   estates, horse properties, hobby
                             in San Angelo, Texas, working                    started her real estate career in the            farms, ranches, recreational land,
                             within his family’s home building                90s as an appraiser, then got her                and transitional land in the path of
                             business. Tim is honored to be one               sales license in 2000. Today Patti               development within an hour or two
                             of only 12,000 in North America                  is a licensed real estate appraiser,             of Tulsa, Oklahoma. A REALTOR
        to have a CCIM designation and continues to identify new ways   certified livestock appraiser, and real estate broker. Patti received   since 2005, she has also been the executive secretary to a
        to be an expert in the Commercial, Industrial and Ranch Real   her ALC from the REALTORS  Land Institute in 2009 and has been   commercial real estate developer, a paralegal, and a law librarian. 
        Estate fields. Tim resides in Weatherford, TX with his wife and   an active and proud member since then. Patti is the proud mother   As an independent landman, she is passionate about landowner
        two sons. Tim invests in ranches and commercial properties and   of three, and grandmother of seven. She is proud to wear the Land   education and the interface between the mineral and surface
        understands what investors are seeking.          Broker Co-op hat!                                 estates.
        817.578.0609 /                  406.570.1541 /                 918.724.8201 /                                              

        LANDBROKERMLS.COM                                                  FALL 2020                                               LANDBROKERMLS   |   71

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