Page 74 - LandBroker MLS Magazine Fall 2020
P. 74

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      BE A CO-OP LEADER!  The Co-op is seeking active Co-op Members to participate in the Co-op Ambassador program.
      For more information on Co-op Ambassador Benefits, or to request an application, please email

                           Terry                                Karen                                Linda Anne                          David Klein
                           Garmon                               McCartin                             Green, CRS                          AFM, ALC
                           PRINCIPAL                            Foster, ALC                          KELLER                              FIRST MID AG
                           BROKER                               REAL ESTATE                          WILLIAMS                            SERVICES
                           AMERICAN                             BROKER                               Huntsville, AL                      Bloomington, IL
                           LAND & FARM                          BERKSHIRE                                                                David Klein is
                           Bowling Green,                       HATHAWAY                             I believe the                       Vice President,
                           KY                                   HOMESERVICES                         Co-op is important                  Managing Broker,
                                                                PARKS &                              because it                          Agricultural Asset
                           Why am I                             WEISBERG,                            provides endless                    Manager, and
                           passonate                            REALTORS ®                           resources that   Auctioneer for First Mid Ag Services. In 1997 he
      about Landbroker Co-op? By being an owner                 Jeffersonville, IN  benefit my passion of land preservation and   began his career managing farmland in IL, IN,
      / member of Landbroker Co-op, I have a                                    keeping America beautiful. Becoming a member   IA, MO, SD and OK. In 2014, he was awarded
      “seat at the table” to provide input that benefits   The founders of Land Broker Co-op are daily real   has directly contributed to the growth of my   his Accredited Land Consultant - Advanced
      my business and other brokerage firms like   estate practitioners and understand our REAL   business as a land broker, and the professional   designation by the REALTORS  Land Institute
      me. For once, I can invest in a company I have   wants and needs to better serve our clients...   connections I have made thru the Co-op are   and named the Illinois Land Broker of the Year.
      ownership in, and have some control of my    this makes the Co-op the perfect platform for   priceless! Proud Member and Ambassador!  In 2018 he was named an RLI APEX Top 20
      own listings.                        marketing our properties.                                                Award winning producer.

      270.392.1170                         502.552.0411                         256.337.5922                        309.665.0961                

                           Todd                                 Reese                                Reni Della                          Beth Myers
                           Liverman                             Lovell                               Maggiore                            QUALIFYING
                           RANCHES                              EAGLE LAND                           CEO                                 BROKER
                           AND LAKES                            Montrose, CO                         RENI DELLA                          RAFTER CROSS
                           Kingsland, TX                                                             MAGGIORE, INC.                      REALTY
                                                                Reese was raised                     Stockton, CA                        Lovington, NM
                           Todd has                             between the banks
                           managed game                         of the Arkansas                      Reni’s total sales                  Beth received her
                           properties as                        River and the                        volume exceeds                      NM Real Estate
                           well as cattle                       Ozark Mountains,                     $185 million. In                    license in 2014,
                           operations                           where his passion                    2004 & 2005                         and in 2016
      throughout his life which, in time, has led him to   for the outdoors and wildlife began. It took only   Reni received the Coldwell Banker Commercial   upgraded to a Qualifying Broker license and
      following his passion of selling land in the great   a few trips to see his family in Colorado before   Circle of Distinction award, an honor shared by   opened her own brokerage. She serves on the
      state of Texas. Todd’s vast knowledge of land   he fell in love with the mountains out west. Reese   only the top 1 percent of the company’s 5,000-  Board of Directors for the Lea County Real Estate
      and his ability to network with people makes   joined Eagle Land, bringing his passion for   plus sales associates. A current member of the   Professionals and recently completed a 3-year
      him stand out. He looks forward to being an   the outdoors, business know-how, and client   Association of Commercial Real Estate (ACRE)   term on the Board of Directors for the NM MLS.
      advocate and Ambassador for Land Broker Co-  relation skills together. He specializes in raw land   and of the Realtors Land Institute (RLI), Reni   She is a very active member of RLI, where she
      op while helping clients search for unique land   purchase and property development.   specializes in sales of agricultural, commercial,   has served on the Future Leaders Committee
      and ranch opportunities.                                                  investment, and wetland mitigation properties.   (2018 and 2019) and currently serves on the
      325.792.6937                         479.209.0060                         209.649.7944                        Education Committee.                      575.741.5017 /                         

      72                                                                   F FALL 2020                                                  Volume 11 / Number 3
                                                                                                                                        olume 11 / Number 3
                                                                           ALL 2020
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