Page 77 - LandBroker MLS Magazine Summer 2021
P. 77

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                                             BECOME A CO-OP LEADER!  The Co-op is seeking active Co-op Members to participate in the Co-op Ambassador program.
                                                 For more information on Co-op Ambassador Benefits, or to request an application, please email

                             Debbie                               Karen                               Linda Anne                           Russell
                             Durkee                               McCartin                            Green, CRS                           Hickey
                             ALC, CRS                             Foster, ALC                         KELLER                               ALC, CLE
                             RE/MAX                               Real Estate                         WILLIAMS                             BACHMAN &
                             T-TOWN                               Broker                              Huntsville, AL                       ASSOCIATES
                             Tulsa, OK                            BERKSHIRE                                                                Southern CO
                                                                  HATHAWAY                            I believe the
                             Debbie specializes                   HOMESERVICES                        Co-op is import-                     Russell has
                             in selling country                   PARKS &                             ant because it                       called Southern
                             estates, horse                       WEISBERG,                           provides endless                     Colorado home
                             properties, hobby                    REALTORS®                           resources that                       his entire life and
        farms, ranches, recreational land, and transitional       Jeffersonville, IN  benefit my passion of land preservation and   has a deep appreciation for the land and culture.
        land in the path of development within an hour or                        keeping America beautiful. Becoming a member   His continued education in Water Law and
        two of Tulsa, Oklahoma. A REALTOR  since 2005,   The founders of Land Broker Co-op are daily real   has directly contributed to the growth of my   Land Use, and decades spent on local ranches,
        she has also been the executive secretary to a   estate practitioners and understand our REAL   business as a land broker, and the professional   have led to Russell becoming successful in the
        commercial real estate developer, a paralegal, and   wants and needs to better serve our clients... this   connections I have made thru the Co-op are   local real estate market, where he specializes
        a law librarian.  As an independent landman, she   makes the Co-op the perfect platform for market-  priceless! Proud Member and Ambassador!  in ranches, large acreage, and mountain
        is passionate about landowner education and the   ing our properties.                                         properties.
        interface between the mineral and surface estates.                502.552.0411                        256.337.5922               
        918.724.8201 /           719.337.3234 /

                             Geoff                                David Klein                         Todd                                 Reese
                             Hurdle, ALC                          AFM, ALC                            Liverman                             Lovell
                             HURDLE                               FIRST MID AG                        RANCHES                              EAGLE LAND
                             LAND &                               SERVICES                            AND LAKES                            Montrose, CO
                             REALTY                               Bloomington, IL                     Kingsland, TX
                             Lebanon, TN                                                                                                   Reese was raised
                                                                  David Klein is                      Todd has                             between the banks
                             The Land Broker                      Vice President,                     managed game                         of the Arkansas
                             Co-op site is the                    Managing Broker,                    properties as well                   River and the
                             site of choice for                   Agricultural Asset                  as cattle opera-                     Ozark Mountains,
                             professionals in                     Manager, and                        tions throughout                     where his passion
        the industry and potential buyers — where one   Auctioneer for First Mid Ag Services. In 1997 he   his life which, in time, has led him to following   for the outdoors and wildlife began. It took only
        can easily navigate through properties and not   began his career managing farmland in IL, IN,   his passion of selling land in the great state of   a few trips to see his family in Colorado before
        have to dodge ad campaigns and pop-up win-  IA, MO, SD and OK. In 2014, he was awarded   Texas. Todd’s vast knowledge of land and his   he fell in love with the mountains out west. Reese
        dows that just distract from the purpose of being   his Accredited Land Consultant - Advanced des-  ability to network with people makes him stand   joined Eagle Land, bringing his passion for the
        there — which is to find a quality and affordable   ignation by the REALTORS  Land Institute    out. He looks forward to being an advocate   outdoors, business know-how, and client relation
        property. It is my go-to, every time!  and named the Illinois Land Broker of the Year.    and Ambassador for Land Broker Co-op while   skills together. He specializes in raw land pur-
                                             In 2018 he was named an RLI APEX Top 20   helping clients search for unique land and ranch   chase and property development.           Award winning producer.             opportunities.             
        615.815.9364                                  479.209.0060            309.665.0961                        325.792.6937               

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