Page 20 - LBMLS Magazine Spring 2021 Issue
P. 20

Find Your Ideal Ranch
      Dave Harrigan

      Hunter Harrigan

                                SPEAR U RANCH                                  MANGAS RANCH
                                Springer, NEW MEXICO  |  $7,790,000            Mangas, NEW MEXICO  |  $21,250,000
                                We believe that the Spear U Ranch’s combination of large,   Southwestern living just doesn’t get any better than it does at the magnificent Mangas Ranch
                                well-blocked grasslands, good water resources, a solid cattle   on the northern slope of the Mangas Mountains in scenic Catron County, New Mexico.
                                operation, on-property hunting, and exceptional improvements   Straddling both sides of the Continental Divide, the 50,000 acres (25,500 deeded) Mangas
                                make the 9,363 acre (9,169 deeded) ranch a great find.   Ranch offers trophy hunting, excellent agricultural opportunities, and luxurious improvements.

      BROKEN BONE RANCH  Yampa, COLORADO  |  $5,950,000                        RED RABBIT RANCH
      Located only 40 minutes from Steamboat Springs and one hour from Vail lies a Colorado   Tierra Amarilla, NEW MEXICO  |  $8,950,000
      recreational ranch of exceptional quality. Containing 1,388 acres of an ideal blend of  The 1,937-acre Red Rabbit Ranch captures the best of the Tierra Amarilla area on a property
      mountain-irrigated hay meadows, creek bottom and quaking aspens, Broken Bone Ranch  graced  with  extraordinary hunting  and  equestrian  opportunities,  mountain  scenery  and
      has long been prime habitat for elk, mule deer, black bear and small game species.  buildings that are the virtual definition of fine craftsmanship.

      18   |   LANDBROKERMLS                                              SPRING 2021                                                   Volume 12 / Number 1
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