Page 38 - LandBroker MLS Magazine Spring 2020
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Denver, Colorado
Crawford, Montrose County, COLORADO | $4,995,000 Wheatland, Platte County, WYOMING | $2,850,000
A classic Colorado intermountain recreation and production property, Located within the Laramie Mountain Range and perched near the top of the north slope of Squaw
this is a fabulous hunting ranch with loads of deer and elk, and over- Mountain – one of Wyoming’s most desirable elk areas – this 1,200-acre property is a complete
the-counter tags (elk) for residents and non-residents. Sweeping sportsman’s package with impeccable hunting for trophy mule deer and elk, as well as incredible
views of dramatic snow-capped peaks in nearly every direction. BLM fishing. Substantial investments have been made for habitat enhancements and several fishery projects
trailhead for Black Canyon of the Gunnison only a few hundred yards throughout the ranch. Offers a nice off-the-grid cabin, complete with a 900-foot grass landing strip for
from the property boundary. Contact Jeff Hubbard or Pat Lancaster. easy access throughout the year. Contact Jared Souza.
UTE RANCH SNOWSHOE RANCH Somerset, Gunnison County, COLORADO | $1,950,000
La Veta, Huerfano County, COLORADO | $2,795,000 Located at the confluence of Anthracite and Coal Creeks along a national scenic byway, the 142± acre
Located along the banks of the Cucharas River, 2.5 miles south of the scenic town of La Veta, the owners Snowshoe Ranch is for the fishing enthusiast. Offers one mile of both sides of Anthracite Creek, and in
of Ute Ranch are offering 295 acres of this lovely bucolic property. The ranch includes ~125 acres of the late spring, the property’s nine stocked ponds await the angler. The property is bordered on three
lush irrigated hay ground and private access to 1.5 miles of the Cucharas River, which boasts excellent sides by the Gunnison National Forest and has a remodeled 2,100-square-foot craftsman-style main
fishing for brown and rainbow trout. Contact Woody Beardsley. residence. Contact Tommy Latousek.
36 | LANDBROKERMLS SPRING 2020 Volume 11 / Number 1