Page 14 - LandBroker MLS Magazine Fall 2020
P. 14
Wyoming & Montana
Land & Ranch
Sheridan, Wyoming
BIGHORN VISTA RANCH Buffalo, WYOMING | $1,500,000 | 575± Deeded Acres
DEVELOPMENT. Many building sites with incredible views. Huge development opportunities with ability to create 15, 35-ac lots, or with appropriate zoning, 100, 5-acre lots. Or how about
a Planned Unit Development? Conversely, it’s perfect for a conservation easement for a tax credit. Also offers excellent hunting and wildlife viewing. It currently has one home, runs cows and
has water development and naturally occurring springs. Can be purchased with adjacent Upper French Creek Ranch (see page 3).
12 | LANDBROKERMLS FALL 2020 Volume 11 / Number 3